100% Cousin


College of Medicine


My dear cousin Conching:

Take this only receipt I can give you,

Rx 20% Beauty

20% Talent

20% Wealth

40% Love


100% in eve “ampulla”

Sig. You may take (only this) one after you reach your 20th year and always take the “sign of the cross” in every undertaking you take [____ you brother Game (???)]


Unfortunately, I couldn’t understand some of the writing. Let me know if anybody can understand it better.

Eddie WSM

Charming Conching,

A simple snap for you alone

A short little phrase and yet so long.

You try to forget when you are gay

Just to remember me when far away.

Yours always

in all ways

Eddie WSM


What does WSM mean?

The photo is missing unfortunately. I might have some small photos in the collection. I wonder if one of them belongs to this page.